The warmth of love in a cup: Rose infusion

Celebrate the valentine’s week with the numerous benefits of red roses in a refreshing cup of tea:

Harmonizes tridoshas

Rose is cooling, yet it enhances agni, the digestive fire. This unique quality of rose tea helps in balancing vata, pitta and kapha doshas in the body.

Purifies your body

Vitamin C in rose petals work as antioxidants that block damage from exposure to toxins and free radicals. Vitamin C also supports and strengthens immunity. The antioxidants in rose petals also help in detoxification.

Reduces caffeine intake

Rose tea is the perfect beverage that can reduce your caffeine intake. All the goodness of a hot cup of tea, with no caffeine, this infusion also helps curb hunger pangs, making weight loss a easier goal to achieve. It also soothes your nervous system relieving stress and balancing hormones.

Boosts digestion

The polyphenols in rose tea are conducive to the growth of healthy bacteria in the stomach that helps improve digestion and can also work as a herbal remedy for constipation and diarrhoea.

Benefits the skin

Rose petals contain antiseptic, antibacterial, anti inflammatory and antioxidative properties along with Vitamin A, E and C help cure skin conditions such as acne, dehydration, wrinkles, fine lines and dark circles.

Cures infections

The detoxifying nature of rose tea along with its diuretic properties helps fight infections of all kinds, from urinary tract infections to symptoms of a sore throat.

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